Step into your spiral of transformation through the exploration of specific aspects of your life journey!

I am here to partner with you through the multiple paths of this spiral, using different tools such as Coaching, Mentoring, Classical and Intentional Feng Shui, Family Constellations, Nature Based tools (e.g. Flower Essences, Seasonal Cycles, Crystals).

About Marie-Christine Matos

As a professional coach, experienced mentor, and transformational facilitator, I use a holistic approach, sourced in:

  • my two decades of experience in inner development and growth using a wide range of tools and processes,
  • my experience in coaching and mentoring individuals from all backgrounds and ages,
  • my learnings and 15 years’ experience in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology industry,
  • my expertise in Classical & Intentional Feng Shui, Ancestral Healing, Family Constellations, Inner Child work
  • my knowledge of human performance and behaviours, and
  • my ability to create a space and heart-centred space and connect with you.

You may be interested to know these personal facts…

  • Born and raised in France from Portuguese parents, I came to Ireland in 2004 to complete a PhD in Carbohydrate Chemistry in University College Dublin (UCD). I fell in love with the Land and decided to stay in the Green Isle. I now live in County Wicklow, the Garden of Ireland, with my partner and our amazing dog.
  • I worked in the Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology industry for >15 years in different roles so I understand that environment, its expectations, and challenges.
  • I have a deep connection to Earth-based practices, which supported me throughout my life and career, and of which I am a qualified practitioner.

For example,

      • Feng Shui supported me in reconnecting to my house and ensuring that it was balanced. Applying its principles led me to new career adventures and a loving/caring partner.
      • Family Constellations allowed me to explore, resolve and let go of patterns in my family which were affecting my life.
      • Flower Essences were an essential tool when my mother passed away, and I was in a transition career-wise. It has been one of my go-to tools ever since.

If any of this resonates with you, book a free 30mins discovery call and I will be happy to answer question and discuss further how I can best support you.


The services I provide are based on experience and skills/qualifications gathering for the past 2 decades (see About section).

  • Professional Coaching (Refer to Services page for additional information)
  • Mentoring for students, who are currently undergoing a science related course, and professionals, who just started their career in the Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical industry (Refer to Services page for additional information)
  • Ancestral Healing and/or Family Constellations (Online/ In-Person 1:1 session or group facilitation)
  • Classical and Intentional Feng Shui (Workshop, Webinar, Online/In-Person 1:1 assessment or consultation for homes)
  • Flower and Vibrational Essences (Workshop, Webinar, Online/In-Person 1:1 session)
  • In-Person or Online Workshops on Celtic Year Seasons, New Cycle Intentions, and other Earth-Based topics

For services outside of coaching, please book a discovery call to discuss your needs.

Packages including a mixture of these services are available. Please book a discovery call to discuss further.

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